Van Theft – The Latest Statistics

Van Essentials Blog POST

Van theft is sadly a common occurrence for most commercial vans with unattended vans full of valuable equipment and tools easy pickings for thieves. Unfortunately, this type of crime is only on the rise and certain areas such as the East Midlands have seen cases skyrocket. If your business is in an area where crime was relatively low, this may not be the case anymore and you may be more at risk due to not being prepared for theft spikes. 

This article isn’t meant to scare anyone but simply highlight the changing nature of van theft, which areas are seeing an increase in cases and what sorts of items are being prioritised by thieves and chancers in order to help you improve your van security and address where any potential frailties are.

What regions are most susceptible to van theft?

Below is a table highlighting the percentage of van drivers that have suffered from some form of equipment or tool theft. Growth is seen in pretty much every area of the UK with only London dropping (still at a shocking 47%). Key areas to focus on include Yorkshire (up 31%) and Wales (up 32%). These statistics highlight that the areas with minimal theft before 2021 are seeing a rapid increase and this is likely due to easier opportunities available for criminals to strike. A sense of ease can breed complacency in security measures and this might explain the sudden spike. 

North West41%25%
North East40%28%
Yorkshire and the Humber38%7%
West Midlands36%33%
Northern Ireland35%13%
East Anglia33%23%
East Midlands32%15%
South West32%10%
South East28%17%

Most common items stolen from vans

Van theft is getting more common and analysts suggest 56 vans could be stolen per day by 2030. However, the most concern for van owners will be petty theft. Steal tools, equipment and personal belongings can be done quickly and effectively without the owner even realising. Combine this with the fact that only 1% of stolen gear is ever actually recovered and you can have a painful and costly situation very quickly. 

In terms of what is most commonly taken, tools (66.7%) and equipment (55.6%) are taken very regularly with personal items (41.7%) not far behind. With tools and equipment being incredibly important for commercial van drivers to be able to do their work, this is obviously a major concern and one that you need to be aware of and address within your business.

Items most likely to be stolen from vans:

Tools (66.7%)

Equipment (55.6%)

Personal items (41.7%)

Electronic devices (25.0%)

Sale goods (16.7%)

Customer supplies (13.9%)

Van equipment / parts (13.9%)

Cash (5.6%)

Other (2.8%)

What can you do about it?

Our van security guide is brimming with practical advice to stop van theft, protecting both the contents of the van and the van as a whole.

However, starting right away, remember to lock your van (and turn on any security equipment) and be careful about how and where you park; think about making access to the vehicle more challenging and park in clear view of any nearby CCTV cameras. Always remember that most theft is opportunistic in nature so do not make it easy or obvious. Hide away key valuables and make sure any small, easily taken items are stored safely.

Our van security guide goes into greater depth on other solutions like additional locks, GPS trackers, and other add-on van security equipment. We have a wide range of van security equipment available here that provides rock solid, long lasting protection at unbeatable prices.

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